Teen Eating Disorders

Unfortunately teen eating disorders are a struggle that many teens face at least some variation of during some of the most important, life-changing years of their development from being a child to growing into an adult. Teen eating disorders can be treatable if the teen is willing to get help.

Unfortunately only about 20 percent of teens and adults with eating disorders actively seek help for this mental illness. About one or two out of every 100 high school teens suffer from an eating disorder whether it be Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia or even binge eating. These teens are going to great lengths to greatly restrict what they eat, throw up with a they eat or exercise excessively. Because teens are at a point in their life where their bodies are changing at a dramatic rate, there are times where they may feel fat or too curvy or soft in comparison to their peers. But that is usually only because teens may enter puberty or different developmental stages at different points in their teen years. Teen eating disorders are also common because they stem from a person’s lack of control they feel over their own life. They may feel out of focus or may think they aren’t able to control what is going on in their family life, with friends or with school. Instead, they will resort to their eating habits to try and find a way to gain that much needed feeling of control over their life, by controlling their weight and physical appearance.

Symptoms of Teen Eating Disorders:

Teens with eating disorders typically will show signs of rapid weight loss and an obsession with avoiding food, refusing to eat or being secretive with when they do eat. They will make excuses to not join the family for dinner and they might work out excessively or more than usual. Teens with eating disorders also show signs of depression and anxiety. Their friendships and other relationships might suffer because of their preoccupation with their eating disorder. They will find reasons to not participate in certain family or group functions where food is concerned, or they will head to the bathroom directly after eating. Teens with eating disorders also might try spitting their food into a napkin or refuse to eat at all.

Teens with eating disorders might also binge frequently, so they will find as much food as they can to ingest and likely throw up afterward. Teens with bulimia will also have dental problems because the effect of the vomit’s acidity on their teeth. They might also take laxatives to help lose the weight. They might also eat food from the trash if they can because they feel powerless when it comes to eating.

The Effects of Teen Eating Disorders:

Eating disorders can cause all kinds of lasting problems that can still exist even once the emotional/mental illness portion of the eating disorder has been treated. Those with eating disorders are likely to have heart problems, gastrointestinal problems, kidney problems and more. For those with severe eating disorders, death can result from malnutrition or heart failure. Teen eating disorders are serious and more than just a quick way to lose weight. They can mess up a person’s metabolism for life, which may make it more difficult for them to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight in the future. Kidney and gallbladder problems also might result from teens with eating disorders. Aside from the physical toll an eating disorder can take on  your body, those with eating disorders often suffer dramatic emotional distress and struggles for the rest of their lives.

Treating Teen Eating Disorders:

Because teens with eating disorders are likely to be reluctant to discuss their struggles with friends or family members. it is important for parents and even other teens to watch their friends and family members. If they begin exhibiting disturbing eating habits or other behaviors, it is a good idea to consider confronting them about their behaviors and getting them professional help. There are trained therapists that have extensive knowledge in treating teen eating disorders as well as rehabilitation centers that can help those with severe eating disorders. Getting professional help is often the only way to successfully treat a teen with an eating disorder for the long term.

Sources: kidshealth.org

Teen Sex

Teens face many issues throughout their transition from child to adult including pressures like teen sex. Teen sex can result in dangerous consequences for teens that don’t understand how to take proper protection during sexual intercourse to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Teen sex is one of the biggest pressures that teens face as their bodies grow and develop and they experience a myriad of hormonal effects that drive them toward an interest in sexual acts and sexual relations with their peers. Unfortunately some teen sex acts can result in dire consequences since many teens are not taught the importance of having safe sex. Teens are more likely to get pregnant because they don’t use proper protection or don’t use it correctly or consistently. Teens are also likely to contract STDs because of improper condom usage, which is the only way to prevent STDs aside from abstinence. Many public schools focus on an abstinence-only sex education instead of teaching teens about proper birth control and condom usage. This is why it is important for parents to take responsibility and teach their teens about safe sex. While most parents are probably against their teens having sex so young, it is still important for parents to teach their teens about safe sex practices rather than ignoring the possibility of their teen having teen sex with their peers.

Teen Sex Statistics:

Early teen sex statistics show that 13 percent of teens have sexy by the time they turn 15 years old. However, most teens initiate sex in their later teen years before age 19. By that time, about seven in 10 males and females have had sexual intercourse. The average age for most first-time intercourse experiences take place at age 17. However, most individuals do not marry until their mid-20s. Having multiple partners from age 17 until their mid-20s indicates the risk of contracting diseases and having unprotected sex that can result in an unintended pregnancy.

Unfortunately about 7 percent of female sexual experiences from ages 18 to 24, are reported to be involuntary and often took place with males that were at least three or more years older than the female. While both teens in the U.S. and in Europe report similar levels of sexual activity, those teens in Europe are more likely to use contraception and have substantially lower pregnancy rates.

Fortunately the usage of safe teen sex practices has been increasing with the use of contraception among those that engage in teen sex practices. The number has risen from about 56 percent to 76 percent. When it comes to teen sex and contraceptive use, a sexually active teen who isn’t using contraception or birth control has 90 percent chance of becoming pregnant within a year.

Safe Teen Sex Practices:

​To continue this method of safe sex practices, it is important for teens to know how to practice safe sex with the use of condoms and birth control. Taking a hormonal birth control to prevent unwanted teen pregnancy must be consistent especially with types of birth control like the pill. Condoms must also be learned to be used correctly. Many condom malfunctions result because the user does not use the appropriate size, uses and older condom that is more at risk to break during intercourse or does not leave enough room at the tip to accommodate for the ejaculation. Only one or two pregnancies out of 100 will occur in sexual relations where the condom is used correctly.

It is important for teens to take an active role in learning more about safe sex so they can prevent the spread or contraction of STDs and unintended teen pregnancies. Teens should not assume that the withdrawal method of birth control is effective, because the risk rates are very high especially if the precum is abundant at the beginning  of intercourse. Teens should also not assume that just because they have had sex before without getting pregnant or contracting an STD that they are infertile or not capable of getting pregnant. There are many factors that go into achieving a pregnancy and if the factors are all lined up, teens are more likely to end up with an unplanned teen pregnancy. Taking active roles to avoid these risks in an important part of engaging in safe teen sex practices.

Sources: guttmacher.org

Why Teens Commit Suicide

One of the most tragic questions many ask about youth today is why teens commit suicide. Those who have lost a loved one to suicide often wonder why teens commit suicide. Unfortunately, so many say the individual showed no outward signs of depression or distress.

Understanding why teens commit suicide is one of the best steps to help prevent other teens and children from committing suicide or feeling like they need to take such drastic measures to cope with their often hidden pain. Unfortunately teen suicide is one of the leading causes of death among college students and teens in the United States. Because this is such a serious problem, it is up to adults, parents,  teachers and fellow teens to know what signs to look for when a person may be dealing with suicidal thoughts and severe depression.

Why Teens Commit Suicide:

There are a few reasons teens resort to suicide when they are struggling with severe depression, anxiety, loneliness, confusion and overwhelming sadness. Most of the time teens commit suicide because they are trying to escape from their lives or a situation that is emotionally and/or physically damaging. Teens unable to cope with these situations are often desperate to escape and see death as the only way to effectively do so. Some teens might try to end their lives through suicide to deal with bullying, torment, abuse, feelings of self-loathing and self-hate. Teens who are likely to commit suicide may not feel that they have a strong support system or many friends who can be there for them. While this may be true in some situations, some family members and friends do not realize the kind of support their teen needs from them. That is why it is so important to truly understand why teens commit suicide, to know which warning signs to watch for and how to get your loved one help.

While most teens that commit suicide are suffering from depression, some of these teens do not even realize that is what is wrong with them. They don’t understand that depression is an option, a mental illness that can be effectively treated through therapy and sometimes the help of medication. Again, this is where it comes into play that parents, adults and other teens need to pay attention to these suicidal warning signs. Unfortunately depression can be a common mental illness that many teens deal with and suffer from throughout their teen years because they are so vulnerable. This is mostly because teens have poor sleep cycles, hormones that are constantly up and down as well as mood issues. These are all factors that could cause teen depression. By adding in other outside factors like troubles in school, family, etc., teens might be at an even higher risk for depression and an inability to cope with situations in their life.

Suicidal Warning Signs:

  • Teens who frequently talk about suicide or death
  • Teens who talk about wanting to escape or “go away”
  • Teens might often talk abut things they will no longer need and give away items to friends and family
  • Warning signs might also include the teen talking about hopelessness or feeling guilty
  • Teens who might be in danger of suicide will also begin pull away from friends and family and will no longer wish to partake of activities they used to enjoy
  • Teens might also exhibit a change in behaviors when it comes to eating and sleeping habits
  • Teens with drinking habits, cutting, etc. and other self-destructive behaviors might be at risk for suicide
  • Like many depression symptoms, trouble concentrating might also be a symptom of a teen considering suicide
  • Significant weight loss or gain
  • Extreme personality changes
  • Sadness, irritability or indifference
  • Poor school performance

If you or a friend or family member is exhibiting any of these signs, it is imperative to get help or to get them help right away. Talk to a trusted adult or family member to facilitate this kind of assistance. You could be saving a life by noticing these symptoms early and considering treatment at an early onset of depression or other mental illnesses or dilemmas.

Sources: kidshealth.org, nami.org

Teen Body Image

When it comes to teen body image, this can be a highly sensitive area for many teens especially girls. Research is showing that teens with poor teen body image will be more likely to experience teenage depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other emotional turmoil.

Being a teen is tough, and with all of the pressures on teen body image, it can be a lot harder. Teens have bodies that are consistently changing practically each day through puberty and natural development. Girls might find they have curves and fat stores in places they didn’t previously. The teen guys might find their bodies are producing more sweat and odor then they ever have in their life. Combating these issues with poor teen body image is something parents really need to consider as their teens are getting older. Helping your teen maintain a positive body image is a great way to help them deal with those emotional issues, natural hormones and all of the other strife that simply comes with being a teen. For teens who are wondering about how to improve their self-esteem and overall teen body image, keep reading for some helpful tips!

Why Having a Good Teen Body Image is Important:

Having strong self-esteem means thinking confidently in yourself and what you accomplish in life. Everyone should do their best to find their strengths in life. The key to doing that while you are a teen is to be able to set aside your failures and keep trying until you succeed. Finding something you are good at or something you enjoy doing is a great way to add value to your life and to increase your overall teen body image. Having good self-esteem is important because it will affect how you act throughout your life, the choices you make and the person you become. Statistics indicate that teens with a higher teen body image will be most likely to succeed post high school. This is an important path to take when you are trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. Doing something you enjoy is going to increase your likelihood of being good at it and it will make it so you really want to succeed and therefore try harder. Maintaining that strong teen body image is more than just liking how you look on the outside. Increasing your self-esteem is going to transcend to the rest of your mentality as well making you happier about your appearance.

Tips on How to Improve Teen Body Image:

However, this is easier said than done especially when you are a teen and just getting used to all of the changes that are happening to your body. That is why it is important to consider a few tips to help you improve your teen body image. First, it is important to maintain a proper diet and exercise routine. As you become an adult, proper nutrition and a healthy amount of exercise and activity for your body is good health not just because it will help you look better physically, but because it is better for the functioning of your body internally as well as externally. Exercise does not have to be hard or paint staking. There are plenty of ways to have fun while still participating in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Go on a walk, ride your bike, play a sport, go swimming, go on a hike, dance or even hit the gym if that is what you feel like doing. Make sure your exercise routine is something fun that you enjoy and you will be more likely to stick to it. Eat healthy foods as well because that keeps your body from gaining extra pounds and keeps your insides working strong and healthy. However, there has to be a balance to good exercise and eating. Eating too little just because you think that will help keep weight off is not healthy. It is also not healthy to over extend yourself as far as working out goes. Simply be active each day and keep your metabolism up to continue looking and feeling healthy.

Aside from working out, there are other things you can do to keep your teen body image high. One thing you can do is avoid those negative influences. Don’t read magazines that focus so much on the “idea” body image because it is just not real or attainable for most women. Don’t let others drag you down. Focus on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses. There are many ways to continue striving for a good body image. Don’t focus too much on it. Putting too much attention on how you look is only going to make you more discouraged. If you really feel like you have a weight problem, you should make an appointment with your doctor or a nutritionist to get a good idea of what you should be eating and possible exercise ideas. Having a healthy teen body image is the best way to strive toward a successful future.

Sources: kidshealth.org, cnn.com

Teen Social Issues

There are many teen social issues out there, which teens have trouble coping with and trying to handle on a daily basis. These teen social issues are a direct result of teens coming into their own and trying to figure out that transition from child to adult.

The teen years are the worst for young adults. Up until this point, they have yet to encounter this level of trouble or complication in their lives. Each teen may go through a different but sometimes similar experience as other teens. There are so many factors that play a role in why teens encounter the specific teen social issues they do, but there is a way to help teens overcome some of the toughest issues they find themselves facing during their tumultuous years. Some of the top teen social issues are relationships, abuse, sex, drugs and alcohol and suicide, according to a study based on the number of calls and subjects of those calls to a teen help hotline.


According to the study, the number one teen social issues revolve around relationships. For the first time in their lives, teens are exploring their sexuality and romantic relationships with their peers. These are entirely new feelings they have never felt before. It takes a lot of effort for a teen to make a relationship work successfully. However, most teens are not mature enough emotionally to have reached that point where they are capable of making the best decisions in a relationship, hence the typically drama and struggles teens face with relationships. However, it is important for teens to realize that romance and relationships during their teen years are an important time in their life to make mistakes with relationships so they can figure out the best way to have a successful relationship as an adult.


There are many types of abuse that teens might face. While this is not a one-size-fits-all type of problem, there are many different types of abuse teens struggle to overcome. This could range from physical, emotional, verbal abuse with friends, family and even a boyfriend or a girlfriend. If the abuse becomes dangerous both emotionally or physically, it is important for teens to seek outside help from a family member, teacher or law enforcement official.

Teen Sex

This is always going to be one of the biggest issues teens face. Especially having struggles with relationships, sex is just another contributing factor. There are so many questions and concerns teens may have about sex including condom use, contraceptives, abstinence, saying no to peer pressure, preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections as well as preventing unintended teen pregnancy. For subjects like this, there are tons of online resources about teen sex issues. Teens can also talk to their parents or another trusted adult about issues concerning sex as well.

Drugs and alcohol

Unfortunately this is one of the biggest issues teens face. Peer pressure is all around. Teens also want to look for ways to cope with some of these teen social issues they might be facing as well. Ask a parent or teacher for any information you wish to find about drugs and alcohol. There are also plenty of online resources. For help saying no to peer pressure, be sure to ask for assistance or look online for a variety of resources to help you learn to avoid these self-destructive behaviors.

Teenage Suicide

With issues like bullying and all of these other teen social issues, for some it can all be too much for a teen to take and they look to commit suicide as a way out. However, any family member or friend of a person who has committed suicide can attest that suicide is not the answer. This is why there are many teen hotlines that offer help and counseling to help prevent these cases of suicide. If the problem is even more severe, it is important to get professional help our counseling. Talk to a teacher, parent or trusted adult for getting help with your anxiety, depression or other symptoms that might be leading to you want to make this decision. Teens can overcome even the most teen social issues. Be sure to not be afraid to ask for help with any of these issues if you are a teen and struggling. The most important part to remember is that you are not alone and many have overcome these challenges before and so can you.

Sources: radicalparenting.com

Teen Stress

Teens face some of the most emotional upheaval and strain than they have at any other time in their life to date including teen stress. Teen stress is something that can get out of hand if not managed correctly. Read on to learn to handle teen stress.

Teen stress can include a variety of different causes including school, extra curricular activities, friends, family as well as learning to manage all of the above.  Teens are at a time in their life when school is getting more and more difficult and it counts more than ever toward their futures of going to college, a trade school or getting a job. Many teens also have to work while they are still in high school or just going to college, which is another added stress. Teen stress can easily make its way into even more difficult problems the teen must face like depression and anxiety if left untreated.

What is teen stress?

Teen stress occurs at least once or often with just about every teen, just as it does once they reach adulthood. Many teens who experience heavy loads of stress also deal with anxiety and can develop eating disorders as well as self mutilation tendencies like burning and cutting themselves as a way to cope with all of the anxiety and stress. Many teens also let the stress become too much because they don’t know how to handle it and it manifests its way in the form of teen violence. Teens who become violent or develop other negative behaviors like underage drinking, drug use, smoking and promiscuity will have even worse conditions to learn to handle. The best way to avoid any of these problems is to handle teen stress straight on and to take preventative measures to ensure the teen is able to cope with their teen stress. By learning to cope with teen stress, the teen will also be more emotionally equipped to handle stress once they reach adulthood, which can often be even more stressful of a time. There are a variety of healthy ways for teens to handle teen stress rather than developing emotional issues like teen eating disorders, violent tendencies or drug and alcohol use. Keeping this in mind, let’s look at some of these healthy ideas for managing teen stress.

How to handle teen stress:

  • Write in a journal. Writing down your thoughts in a journal or in the form of poetry or music is a great stress reliever. It is a way you can get down all of your thoughts and feelings without allowing the stress, anger, sadness and other feelings to take over your continuous thoughts. 
  • Play sports, dancing or some other type of physical activity. During exercise the body releases endorphins that are great at helping to manage stress by not allowing the negative feelings associated with stress to weigh down the feelings of endorphins.
  • Meditate or try an activity like yoga. This is a similar concept to doing something physical. Meditating and yoga encourage you to focus on your breathing. This is a great way to focus only on your breathing rather than the unnecessary stresses in life. 
  • Focus on only what you can actively control. Books like Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff are dedicated to the idea of only worrying about what you can actively handle. Don’t stress over what you cannot control. If the situation is not yours to manipulate or control, don’t stress over it. It will only make it worse, and there is nothing you can do about it anyway. 
  • Practice time management. Along with this concept, it is important to not bite off more than you can chew, which basically means do not take on more responsibilities than you handle. If you are struggling to fit everything you have to do in your day, it is a good idea to sit down and prioritize. Focus on what needs to get done first. Do not waste time with tasks that are unimportant or do not need to be done right away. 
  • Don’t procrastinate. This is something that many adults and teens alike deal with when it comes to work, school and other responsibilities. My getting tasks done early, they do not cause unwarranted stress until you finally get around to doing them. The stress is eliminated immediately.
  • Keep good relationships with friends and family. It is always helpful in stress management to have friends and family members you know to lean on when times are tough. Sharing that load of stress with someone else is a great way to alleviate teen stress. 

Tips for parents on how to help their child handle teen stress issues:

Parents who know there teens are facing stressful issues should do their part in helping their child learn to cope. Set a good example by practicing your own time management skills. Encourage your teen to become active as a healthy way to burn off the negative feelings associated with teen stress. Also step in to help them out from time to time. It is important for your teen they know they have someone to count on. That is not to say you should do entire tasks for them, however. They need to learn how to not expect others to take care of their own responsibilities, yet, it is a good idea for them to understand that if the stress does become too overwhelming they have someone to go to for advice or help. 

Source: medicinenet.com

Teen Suicide Prevention

Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens, but teen suicide can often be prevented. If you know the warning signs of adolescent suicide – you might save a life. Keep reading for more information and tips on teen suicide prevention.

Suicide occurs most often in teens who suffer from mental illnesses. Depression is the most common mental illness among teens. Depression is not just a bad mood or a phase; it is a serious medical condition. In most cases depression and other mental illnesses can be treated, but the problem needs to be diagnosed by a professional. Those who suffer from mental illnesses, as well as their family and friends, may not recognize the symptoms of a mental illness, which can include:

  • Feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, restlessness, or irritability
  • Changes in appetite, mood, or sleep patterns
  • Trouble concentrating at school or work
  • Withdrawal or loss of energy
  • Headaches, backaches, stomachaches, or joint pain
  • Alternating between depression and mania, or excessive energy
  • Drug or alcohol use

If a teen is being treated for a mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder, he or she needs to stick with his or her treatment. A teen who is taking antidepressants, suffers from a mental illness, or has been exposed to ideas about suicide should be watched for signs of suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Some signs that a teen may be considering suicide include:

  • Talking, joking, or asking about suicide or death, including statements like “Things would be better without me”
  • Giving away possessions, especially valued ones
  • Engaging in dangerous behaviors, especially those that lead to injuries or “near-misses”
  • Obsessing over death, violence, and weapons, such as in speech, television, music, games, drawings, etc.

Suicide can be prevented if a teen gets the help he or she needs. Many local and national suicide prevention programs are in place to help those who are thinking about or have attempted suicide. Here are some important things you can do to help if you think a teen you know is considering suicide:

  • Do not leave a suicidal teen alone, or allow him or her access to firearms, medications, or other potentially harmful objects
  • Talk to the teen – be direct and ask him or her if he or she is thinking about suicide
  • Show concern for the teen – don’t judge or try to convince him or her that “it’s not that bad”; reassure the teen that he or she can get help
  • Take suicide talk and attempts seriously
  • Get help for the teen from a professional doctor or counselor right away; if he or she does not have insurance, contact a local mental health center or hospital to find out what kind of aid or free services are available
  • Educate yourself about suicide and depression
  • Help the teen feel support from family and friends and/or join a support group
  • If someone you know has committed suicide, seek counseling for yourself and anyone else in your family who may be affected


If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, call 911 or take the person to the emergency room immediately.

Call a suicide prevention hotline, such as 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433), or check your local phone book for suicide prevention hotlines or mental health centers to help someone who is thinking about suicide.

Teen Suicide Prevention Sources:

  • National Institute of Mental Health, “In Harm’s Way: Suicide in America” [online]
  • National Institute of Mental Health, “What to do When a Friend is Depressed” [online]
  • Center for Disease Control, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, “Suicide: Fact Sheet” [online]
  • GirlsHealth.gov, “Suicide” National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center [online]
  • Suicide Awareness Voices of Education [online]

Teen Suicide Statistics

Some eye opening information on teen suicide statistics, suicide prevention, and warning signs to help avoid teenage and adolescent suicide attempts. Teen suicide statistics can help you understand more about teen depression and how it affects teenage suicides.

Teen suicide is a major cause of death among teens, though many do not recognize suicide as a serious threat to a teenager’s well being.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents and teenagers. According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), about 8 out of every 100,000 teenagers committed suicide in 2000. For every teen suicide death, experts estimate there are 10 other teen suicide attempts.

In a survey of high school students, the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center found that almost 1 in 5 teens had thought about suicide, about 1 in 6 teens had made plans for suicide, and more than 1 in 12 teens had attempted suicide in the last year. As many as 8 out of 10 teens who commit suicide try to ask for help in some way before committing suicide, such as by seeing a doctor shortly before the suicide attempt.

Teen girls and boys are both at risk for suicide. Teen girls are more likely to attempt suicide, but teenage boys are four to five times more likely to die by suicide. Over half of teen suicide deaths are inflicted by guns.

Several factors increase the risk that a teenager will attempt suicide:

  • Depression or feelings of loneliness or helplessness
  • Alcohol or drug addiction
  • A family history of abuse, suicide, or violence
  • Previous suicide attempts; almost half of teens who commit suicide had attempted suicide previously.
  • A recent loss such as a death, break-up, or parents’ divorce Illness or disability
  • Stress over school, relationships, performance expectations, etc.
  • Fear of ridicule for getting help for problems
  • Being bullied or being a bully
  • Exposure to other teens committing suicide, such as at school or in the media
  • Access to firearms or other lethal objects
  • A belief that suicide is noble

90 percent of people who attempt or commit suicide suffer from a mental illness, such as:

  • Depression, which causes a teen to feel sad, lonely, withdrawn, and unable to accomplish simple tasks.
  • Bipolar disorder, where a teen alternates between periods of depression and mania, characterized by exuberance, insomnia, irritability, and inability to concentrate.
  • Schizophrenia, a complicated condition where a teen has hallucinations or distorted perceptions of reality.
  • Alcoholism or drug addiction, especially when combined with another mental health disorder; 20 to 50 percent of suicide attempts are related to drug or alcohol use.


If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, call 911 or take the person to the emergency room immediately.

Call a suicide prevention hotline, such as 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433), or check your local phone book for suicide prevention hotlines or mental health centers to help someone who is thinking about suicide.

Teen Suicide Statistics Sources:

  • National Institute of Mental Health, “In Harm’s Way: Suicide in America” [online]
  • National Institute of Mental Health, “What to do When a Friend is Depressed” [online]
  • National Institute of Mental Health, “Schizophrenia” [online]
  • Center for Disease Control, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, “Suicide: Fact Sheet” [online]
  • GirlsHealth.gov, “Suicide” National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center [online]
  • Suicide Awareness Voices of Education [online] National Mental Health Association, “Fact Sheet: Suicide” [online]
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Depression, Particularly In Combination with Substance Abuse, Significant Risk Factor for Suicide” [online]