Childhood Depression Statistics

Childhood depression statistics are becoming more conclusive as researchers discover that more children, at younger ages, are actually experiencing struggles with depression. Childhood depression statistics indicate that depression in younger teens and children is actually a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Depression is not just a mental illness to be suffered by adults and teens. Younger children also suffer from depression and prolonged periods of sadness, according to childhood depression statistics. The problem with childhood depression is that it often goes unnoticed because kids express their sadness in different ways. Parents might think their child is simply acting out with poor behavior, or going through a phase. Unfortunately these children that suffer from childhood depression grow up to have problems in their adult lives between work, going to school, establishing relationships with other and other aspects of being a successful and thriving adult. Other health issues can also result, according to the facts discovered from childhood depression statistics. For example, those who have shown evidence of childhood depression are more likely to grow up with problems like asthma and obesity. These children who grow up depressed continue this mental and emotional cycle as adults and are more likely to have major depression episode (MDE), according to childhood depression statistics.

These cases of MDE in children with depression are cases of depression that last longer than 2 weeks as a person experiences losses of appetite, sleep and experiences agitation, anxiety and prolonged sadness. Other symptoms of MDE also include loss of energy and an inability to concentrate in school and other important tasks. Kids and teens with childhood depression might also suffer in self-esteem, school and in their relationships with family members and peers. Individuals who have suffered from childhood depression are also more likely to abuse drugs, alcohol and tobacco as adults. These adults might even develop substance abuse disorders like drug addiction and alcohol abuse.

Childhood Depression Statistics:

In 2009, about eight percent of children and teens from ages 12 to 17 reported incidents of MDE during the course of the year. In the years 2004 to 2009, the number of youth experiencing depression was twice as high among females in comparison to males. Other childhood depression statistics indicate that about 72 percent of youth with depression reported that their depression was causing major problems in their day-to-day life and with family members and friends. The amount of youth with MDE that were receiving treatment for their depression indicated that they were seeing or speaking with a professional therapist on a regular basis or taking some kind of antidepressant medication. However, that number has declined down to 35 percent from 40 percent in 2009.

Because there are so many problems with childhood depression becoming a life-long problem, it is important for parents to learn more about their children’s behaviors so they can detect these problems with childhood depression early on in order to receive early treatment. There are a couple of ways for parents to get their children treatment for depression or MDE. The first includes getting professional therapy from a trained child psychologist. This is a good way for children to learn how to relate their emotions in a more productive way instead of acting out or struggling in school and with others. However, some children need more than just a weekly one-on-one session with a trained therapist to be able to function on a daily basis. There are some types of antidepressants that doctors will prescribe for children and teens dealing with depression. However, because some antidepressants are not designed for children or those with different hormonal structures compared with adults, some medications can cause the opposite effect. That is why the type of medication must be very specific to the needs of a child. Talk to your doctor or mental health care professional to find the best option for your child.


Teen Depression and Violence

There are recent studies that indicate several links between teen depression and violence. As depression rates in teens continue to climb, so do links to violence behaviors and violence-related attacks among teens. Teen depression and violence is a serious problem that requires attention.

Parents, teachers and health care professionals are taking a closer look at the link between teen depression and violence. Because these two instances among teens are correlating to higher numbers, it is important for parents to be on the look out for signs of depression in their teens because this mental illness can lead to cases of suicide as well as cases of homicide and suicide connections or attempted attacks on others.

According to the National Institute of Health, depression is occurring more rapidly in teens in newer generations because more teens are being recognized as having depression, while many in the past went overlooked or undiagnosed.  Many teens with depression issues will turn to violence toward themselves first as an outlet of dealing with their pain. Cases of cutting, burning and other forms of self-mutilation are not uncommon unfortunately among teens. This violence always risks of running even worse in terms of the teens taking it to the extreme of suicide or even to the point where they take their anger and sadness out on others. Over the past few decades the number of school shootings in high schools throughout the United States has increased. These links between teen depression and violence are clearly evident and more efforts need to be taken to prevent these devastating and dangerous situations in the future.

One of the best ways to prevent situations like these from getting so far is for parents to take an active approach to watching the moods of their teens. This can be easier said than done especially when most teens are experiencing a series of ups and downs emotionally with a huge influx of hormones that can cause teens to act out, become temporarily depressed or moody, etc. Keeping in communication with your teens to determine if their moodiness is a more severe case of depression is important. Watching for certain signs is also helpful to see if you can see a link between teen depression and violence in your teen.

Signs of Teen Depression and Violence:

  • Moodiness
  • Acting withdrawn or not engaging in activities like he/she used to
  • Low energy
  • Not eating or eating too much (binging)
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Self-criticism and self-esteem issues
  • Threatening others
  • Acting out in a manner of rage
  • Inability to accept criticism without getting violently upset
  • Throws or damages objects when angry
  • Drug and/or alcohol use
  • Feeling rejected
  • Having been a victim of bullying
  • Poor academic performance
  • Yells, hits, punches, kicks, etc.
  • Gets into regular fights or altercations with peers

There are a few ways to take corrective action when you see instances of teen depression and violence. Taking action as soon as you start to see the signs is the most effective way to prevent a serious and possibly fatal outcome from happening. Getting your teen professional help is imperative toward his or her recovery. There are a few ways to go about this. Especially if your teen is showing signs of violence in addition to depression, both issues need to be addressed. First, depression can be treated through therapy in an individual, one-on-one setting or through a group therapy session. This group therapy option might be with other members of the teen’s family or with the parents. It might even be with other teens going through and dealing with the same issues. As far as treating violence, the teen might benefit from attending additional anger management classes and sessions with an anger management professional.

To protect your teens issues with teen depression and violence from experiencing a tragic outcome, or having these troubles continue into their adult life, it is important to address the issue promptly. Keeping a strong dialog with your teen is also a good way to continue a relationship of trust when they feel like they can confide in their parents to tell t hem their feelings of depression and violence. Getting help right away is the best way to help them successfully overcome these issues of teen depression and violence.


High School Suicide Statistics

Unfortunately high school suicide statistics in the United States continue to be some of the highest numbers compared with that of other developed nations. In fact, high school suicide statistics also reveal suicide to be one of the leading causes of death among American teens.

Because these high school suicide statistics continue to rank so high, it is imperative that something be done to stop these numbers from increasing and to get this trend moving downward. The numbers are so high among high school suicide statistics that teens committing suicide is the number three leading cause of death of those in the 15 to 24 age range. In comparison, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death for those over the age of 10. There are several reasons why many in the mental health industry feel teens or high school-age individuals are more likely to commit suicide.

Why Teens Commit Suicide:

  • Drug/alcohol abuse
  • Difficulties in romantic relationships
  • Divorced parents
  • Household stresses (ie. unemployment, poverty, etc.)
  • Social rejection
  • Bullying
  • Peer pressure
  • Anger or guilt
  • Physical disabilities
  • Troubles in school and lack of academic success
  • Emotional disorders like depression and anxiety
  • Sexual abuse, rape

All of the above reasons and many more could be causes to lead a person toward wanting to commit suicide. On top of these struggles, teens are facing a hormonal rollercoaster of emotions. Dealing with these emotional changes as well as outside influences and negative forces could lead a teen to think they have no other way to cope with the pressures life is putting on them. They find they are in too much physical or emotional pain to be able to handle living. Most of these teens also suffer from low self-esteem and do not see a value in their life. Because of this warped mentality, suicidal high schoolers will choose ending their life as an option because they don’t feel loved or feel those they love will be better off without them alive. While this is not the case, teens are unable to think logically when they are in such a  dark mental state. Because these high school suicide statistics are still too high, it is important for parents, teachers and fellow teens to be able to recognize the signs that a teen is feeling suicidal and to do something to stop it before it is too late.

According to these high school suicide statistics, those from a more poor economic back ground are more likely to be at risk for suicidal tendencies. More male teens are also at a higher risk of committing suicide compared to their female counterparts. Those in the European American ethnic group make up 84 percent of all youth suicides, according to recent high school suicide statistics.

Some of these suicidal teens might exhibit symptoms of withdrawal, anxiety, depression, agitation, fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, acting out, rebellion, drinking, doing drugs, etc. Many teens who are suicidal might also begin inflicting wounds upon themselves through cutting or burning themselves or might struggle with an eating disorder. All of these signs are important to watch out for and to pay close attention to because many depressed and suicidal high school-age teens are good at hiding their emotions and refusing to talk to a trusted adult about their problems or issues.

Because depression is the leading cause of suicide, getting these troubled teens help for their depression is the first step. Many teens need a combination of therapy and antidepressant medications to be able to cope with their depression and come back from that dark place in their lives. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is important to communicate these feelings with a family member, loved one or other trusted adult to get help immediately. Depression and suicide is unfortunately very common, so don’t be afraid of not being able to find someone who understands what you are going through. There are many trained professionals that can help. If you have a friend or loved one who is exhibiting some of these suicidal thoughts, it is important to get them help. Even if you are worried they might feel you are betraying them by telling their parents or another family member. You could be the difference in saving their life. Getting help early for depression is one of the best ways to treat the mental illness and have the highest level of success in treatment.


Depression Facts

Depression is many things: a normal reaction to situations of loss and injury that subsides on its own; the main component—but in different guises—of several mood disorders, including major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder (chronic low-grade depression); and one of the two major mood shifts away from normal in bipolar disorder.  It also occurs as Seasonal Affective Disorder, Post-Partum Depression, and in tandem with other disorders.  Therefore, discussing facts and statistics about depression needs to be done with care in order not to overstate or understate the actualities.

In July of 2011, a report generated by data from the World Health Organization (WHO) World Mental Health (WMH) Survey Initiative found that 121 million people around the world were being affected by depression, which is held to be responsible for 850,000 each year. The prevalence of depression was found to be 15 percent of populations in countries with high incomes and 11 percent for countries with low to middle income experiencing depression over the course of a lifetime. Overall 5.5 percent of the population of the world was depressed in the past year. The countries with the highest rate of Major Depressive Episodes (MDE) in the past year were the U.S., France, India, and the Netherlands. China had the lowest incidence in that time period.

Let’s now focus our discussion on the U.S. and divide our discussion into a look at adults on the one hand and adolescents and children on the other hand. Facts come from the National Institutes of Mental Health website.

Adult Depression Facts

Major Depressive Disorder

  • In the years 2004 to 2008, between 6.4 and 7.9 percent of the adult population of the U.S. suffered from major depression.
  • In each year, 2005 to 2008, women suffered at a higher rate than men did.  While men’s prevalence of depression ranged from 4.6 (in 2008) to 5.3 (in 2006 and 2007), women’s prevalence ranged from 8.1 (in 2008) to 9.5 (in 2007).
  • Over the course of a lifetime, women are 70 percent more likely than men to experience depression.
  • Black without Hispanic background are 40 percent less likely than whites without Hispanic background to experience depression during their lives.
  • In a 12-month period, adults aged 18 to 29 are 200 percent more likely to experience depression than those who are older than 60. Adults aged 30 to 44 are 80 percent more likely to experience depression than those who are older than 60.
  • Just over half (51.7 percent) of those with the disorder are receiving treatment.
  • The average age of onset for major depressive disorder is 32.

Bipolar Disorder

  • Overall, 2.6 percent of the adult U.S. population has bipolar disorder.
  • The average age of onset of bipolar disorder is 25.
  • The lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder is highest for 18 to 29 year olds (5.9 percent) and lowest for those over 60 (1 percent)
  • Just under half (48.8 percent) of those with the disorder are receiving treatment.

Dysthymic Disorder

  • Approximately 1.5 percent of the adult U.S. population has dysthymic disorder.
  • The average age of onset of dysthymic disorder is 31.
  • The lifetime prevalence of dysthymic disorder is highest for 45 to 59 year olds (3.7 percent).  It is lowest for those over 60 (1.3 percent).
  • Over 61 percent of those with the disorder are receiving treatment.

Depression Facts for Adolescents and Children

Major Depressive Disorder

  • In each year 2004 to 2008, between 7.9 and 9.0 percent of the US population of 12 to 17 year olds suffered from major depression.
  • Girls are nearly three times more likely to experience depression than boys are (12.4 percent compared to 4.3 percent).
  • While 3.9 percent of 12 year olds are depressed, 11.6 percent of 16 year olds are depressed, and 10.6 percent of 17 year olds are depressed.

Bipolar Disorder

  • Bipolar disorder is rare among children, making facts and statistics about it scarce and not definitively reliable.

Dysthymic Disorder

Teen depression statistics are not kept separately for Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic disorder in the report on the NIMH site.


Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are two very serious mental illnesses that affect millions of Americans on a daily basis. There are many people who suffer from both depression and anxiety. Many of the symptoms of both of depression and anxiety are similar and go hand in hand.

Out of the millions of Americans, both children and adults, that experience depression also face other symptoms like anxiety. While some just experience one of these mental illnesses over the other, most experience them together for their symptoms feed off of one another. These shared symptoms include difficulty sleeping, insomnia or sleeping too much, as well as heart palpitations, cold or sweaty hand, overwhelming fear and worry. Some researchers say it is almost impossible to find a person with depression that does not also suffer from anxiety.

Why are depression and anxiety linked?

Many researchers have concluded from various tests and studies that depression and anxiety are often linked because both of these mental illnesses have similar triggers toward a person’s mental state. A person may first start to experience either depression or anxiety or both as a result of a life experience or traumatic event. The symptoms in these situations are not easily separated. For example, a teen might begin experiencing the symptoms of depression at the loss of a parent. When this happens, they are not only sad and withdrawn, but they might also experience symptoms of overwhelming sense of fear and despair. All of these symptoms can easily be attributed to both depression and anxiety. For some, there might be even more than just depression and anxiety going on. For some, it might be something even more serious like bipolar disorder. This is a condition that causes a shift in a person’s mood or mental state from severe depression to manic phases. These levels are incredibly high of restlessness, difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts as well as impulsive decision making and reckless behavior or poor judgment. For people that are bipolar or considered manic depressive,  they do experience bouts of normality in between these excessive phases.

Treatment options for depression and anxiety:

For some, antidepressants might be one of the first considerations toward treatment, however for people experiencing both depression and anxiety, this form of treatment might actually do more harm than good. This is why it is important to discuss each and every one of your symptoms with your doctor before receiving treatment. While antidepressants might be a good option if the person strictly just has depression and anxiety, they are not a good option for those who are actually experiencing bipolar symptoms. Those types of people will nee an entirely different set of drugs and medications to help stabilize their moods before they can begin learning to live with manic depression. Antidepressants given to someone that is bipolar can actually have the opposite desired effect and might actually trigger a manic episode instead. If you are at the point where you realize something is wrong – experiencing long bouts of sadness and despair, feeling constantly overwhelmed with even the simplest of tasks – then it is time to talk to your doctor. Counseling and therapy are also great ways to help someone learn to cope with anxiety and depression to overcome those kinds of struggles in addition to the medication. Some find they do better in their recovery if they do not take the drugs and simply focus on therapy. However, others need the medication to make that full recovery. This is why it is important to talk to your doctor about all of the possible treatment options.

There are also things you can do on your own to help improve your mood and tackle the symptoms of depression and anxiety. These can include eating right and exercising. While this is obviously not a cure-all, these are important methods to consider when looking for other ways to help you along in your recovery. Exercise releases endorphins in your body that can help battle those low, melancholy moods. Eating too much fats and sugars not only makes you feel even worse about yourself, but the ingredients and chemical makeup of such foods really do have an effect on how your body feels. Eating healthier foods will eliminate those poor contributing factors. Working out can also help you relax and sleep better at night time, which is a helpful solution if you have trouble falling asleep.


Depression in College Students Statistics

The depression in college students statistics indicate at least one out of every five college students have some sort of mental illness. These depression in college students statistics show that suicide and depression can be a serious problem for college students.

There are a few ideas as to why there is such a problem with depression in college students. According to recent depression in college students statistics, about 19 percent of young people contemplate or attempt suicide each year. These numbers are alarmingly high, according to mental health professionals. What can be done to stop this problem or prevent the severity of depression experienced by thousands of college students each year? Keep reading to learn more about the depression in college students statistics and how to prevent this issue from getting worse.

Depression in college students statistics:

  • According to recent statistics, suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens and adults ages 14 to 24, and is the second leading cause of death in college students ages 20 to 24.
  • 44 percent of Americans never report their symptoms or experiences with depression
  • With about four out of five college students, signs of depression or potential suicidal tendencies are evident prior to committing suicide or attempting to commit suicide.
  • Teens and young adults with depression are five times as more likely to try and commit suicide in comparison to adults with depression.

Based on these startling high college student statistics regarding the number of students with depression issues, it is important to address this problem before it starts or at least with the earliest warning signs. By avoiding the symptoms of depression, the person who is suffering will be that much more likely to do something drastic whether that is commit suicide or perhaps even homicide. Depression is a serious issue. These are the signs to help you recognize if you or a loved one has depression:

  • Prolonged feelings of sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too long/much
  • Appetite problems (eat too much/too little)
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and other activities
  • Loss of libido
  • Self-esteem troubles
  • Thoughts of suicide or other drastic measures
  • Irritability or bouts of excessive crying
  • Chronic aches and pain that cannot be explained medically
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Knowing and understanding these symptoms may help you to be able to recognize if you have depression or if a friend or loved one might be suffering from depression issues. There are several reasons that can cause depression especially in college age adults. There are so many new issues and stressors in college that can be a direct or contributing cause to depression including, greater academic demands, being on your own in a new environment sans that familial support, changes in family relations, financial responsibilities, changes in your personal or social life, exposures to a variety of new people, idea and temptations, awareness of your sexual identity and orientation as well as preparing for life in the “real world” after graduation. These are all factors that could play a role in a person suffering from depression. There are also psychological and biological issues that can contribute to a person’s likelihood of becoming depressed. Many of these other factors may just set off those reactors leaving you feeling depressed and unable to cope with  your new life as a college student.

Depression in college students prevention and treatment:

Fortunately for college students there are many resources you can find to help you cope with these stresses. Be sure to not take on more than you can handle and learn time management skills. These are two elements that can practically safe your life or at least prevent depression from potentially becoming a problem for a college student. If you find yourself already suffering from depression and don’t know what to do be sure to seek help immediately. Talk to your parents, friends as well as school counselor for help. Dealing with your depression may possibly require you to take some time off college or taking classes for a short period of time until you are able to get your emotional stability back. This may require counseling, support group assistance or even taking antidepressants. Do your best to get help as soon as you see a problem coming. Also, do your best to set realistic goals for yourself during college to help you not get as overwhelmed.


Teen Depression and Suicide

Teen depression and suicide often accompany one another. This article offers suicide and depression statistics, the links between teen depression and suicide, and common symptoms for depression and suicide. Also learn about teen depression and suicidal thoughts.

Rates of Suicide and Depression

Suicide is the third of the leading causes of death for teens and young adults ages 15 through 24, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), following accidents and homicide. For preteens and young teens ages 10 to 14, suicide is the fourth of the leading causes of death. Nearly a fifth of students in high school have given serious consideration to suicide, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and almost an eighth have reached the stage of formulating a plan for ending their own life.

Gone are the days when it was believed that only adults could become depressed. Depression is also prevalent among teens, though not to the same extent. According to, eight percent of young people age 12 to 17 had a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) within the past year. There are, however, other kinds of depression, and this research doesn’t cover the full range of the teen years. It also doesn’t account for teens whose depression goes undiagnosed.

The Main Links Between Teen Depression and Suicide

Teens may become so depressed that they consider committing suicide, possibly as the only way to end how terrible they feel. Teens who are depressed may also turn to substance abuse because alcohol and drugs can temporarily lift the feelings of depression. Studies have shown that depression and substance abuse are the two main risk factors for suicide. In fact, as many as 90 percent of people who commit suicide either have a mental health disorder, are engaging in substance abuse, or both.

Another link between teen depression and suicide concerns the bedtime and amount of sleep that teens get. A study reported in 2010 that teen with an earlier bedtime were less likely both to become depressed and to have suicidal thoughts. Moreover, teens who got eight hours of sleep were 71 percent less likely to consider themselves depressed and 48 percent less likely to state that they had suicidal thoughts than teens who were averaging five hours of sleep a night or less.

Common Symptoms for Depression and Suicide

Depression and suicide risk have some common symptoms. One is changes in eating patterns. Another is changes in sleep patterns. Additionally, teens may experience a drop in their school performance, withdraw from family, friends, and customary activities, engage in substance abuse, neglect their personal appearance in ways that aren’t customary, have symptoms of physical discomfort, and/or show signs of a lack of self-esteem or guilt.

Further Thoughts About Teen Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

A study conducted by members of the Department of Pediatrics at the Akron Children’s Hospital in Akron, Ohio and published in 2006 found that 45 percent of all adolescent patients seeking treatment at an emergency room had mild, moderate, or severe depressive symptoms. The study concluded that a “substantial portion or patients with non-psychiatric chief complaints” manifested symptoms of moderate or severe depression. The implication is that depression among teens is under-diagnosed and that screening might be a useful preventative measure to take.

The sleep study also suggests that something as simple as monitoring bedtime and sleep habits may help prevent a certain number of cases of depression and suicide. There are many stressors during adolescence, from hormonal and physical changes to first work experiences, fulfilling high school graduation requirements and taking demanding course loads, completing college applications and enduring the long weight for responses, coping with negative responses from job applications and colleges, etc. If there are family issues—ranging from divorce to abuse to death of a sibling or parent—these can make depression even more likely.

Beyond this, the close connections shown between substance abuse and teen depression suggest that teens who are found to be abusing substances may not be the bad boys and girls, choosers of poor companions, defiant  individuals that fit the stereotype that may be held. Instead, they may be seeking a way out of feelings that they find unbearable and that—without diagnosis—they cannot understand or cope with.


Depression and Obesity

Many studies have found there is a direct correlation between depression and obesity. People who are obese are at an increased risk of becoming depressed. Similarly, people who are depressed are also at an increased risk of becoming obese, according to new studies.

Depression and obesity have found to be a two-way street. For those who are not depressed but are obese, they have a 55 percent chance of becoming depressed. On the flip side, depression increases the likelihood of those affected will become obese by 58 percent. Why is this correlation so strong? Researchers say there are many reasons for the depression and obesity link. Most recent studies say there is also a genetic link between depression and obesity. Those who are likely to be genetically predisposed to becoming obese or depressed may also be likely to take on its paired genetic issue. One of the biggest causes of depression and obesity running hand-in-hand is because of the underlying emotional issues that may link them. This is why many doctors will insist on treatment for both issues at the same time to help prevent the symptoms of either health problems from getting worse.

Depression and Obesity:

Because depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people through the United States each year, it is no surprise to see a similar correlation in the number of obese American throughout the country. While not every person who is depressed is obese and not ever person who is obese is depressed, the numbers are startling telling. Depression is a mental illness that causes children, teen and adults problems with prolonged feelings of sadness, apathy and lethargy. Depression can lead to even more serious cases of suicide or self-mutilation if left untreated. A recent study by the National Institute of Mental Health discovered that one out of four cases of obesity is associated with depression or another mood or anxiety disorder. On the reverse side, being obese not only increases the chance of experiencing a depression onset but it also increases the likelihood of the symptoms of being severe.

Causes of depression and obesity:

Aside from potential genetic links, the primary factor of the link between depression and obesity is a psychological one. According to studies, being obese can induce feelings of low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction, which is a direct risk to increase the likelihood of depression. Being depressed causes feelings of apathy, which means many who are depressed would rather get their pleasure from life from food and being lethargic than by exercising or eating healthy. These behaviors make it easy for those who are depressed to encounter that downward spiral toward obesity. Because both depression and obesity carry severe health issues, it is important to receive treatment for both problems. More importantly, it is best to try and prevent depression and obesity before they can get so far as to trigger the comparable onset of either depression or obesity, researchers say.

Treatment and Prevention for depression and obesity:

Seeking treatment when the signs first start appearing of either becoming depressed or overweight is the best way to prevent these mental and physical health issues. Be on the look out for warning signs of depression including prolonged feelings of sadness, not participating in events or activities they used to enjoy, insomnia or sleeping too much. Those who are at risk for becoming obese often find themselves steadily gaining weight and a higher body mass index (BMI). The best way to prevent these behaviors is to start an exercise and diet program. See a dietician if there is any question on what would make a healthy diet plan. Getting counseling to help treat both the depression and obesity is a helpful too because it can examine some of the emotional causes for both.  For those who find themselves depressed and obese, seeing a dietician as well as a counselor are extremely important in helping get on the path to recovery. Support groups are also a helpful tool for some who need that support to help them move on and get assistance in losing weight and becoming happier again. Support groups for depression and groups like Overeaters Anonymous are useful tools to help those who find themselves with these problems.


Bullying Suicide Statistics – Bullycide

Official numbers of bullying suicide statistics are difficult to determine because while many teens commit suicide each year, the reasons are often hard to know, or it may be many reasons. Keep reading to find out more about bullying suicide statistics, aka bullycide.

 When it comes to bullying suicide statistics or the total amount of bullycide incident each year, it difficult to tell. This is because teens often encounter a series of depression and anxiety symptoms that may lead to their suicide. However, there are some numbers where teens have reportedly written a suicide note or explained to friends, family members the reason for their suicide. There are reportedly about 15 and 25 reported incidents of bullying suicide statistics reported each year. However, there may be substantially more than that, but it difficult to pinpoint bullying as the primary cause of the suicide. Many instances of bullycide also go unreported and are simply reported as regular case of suicide. 

Bullying suicide statistics:

  • About 42 percent of kids have been bullied while online with one in four being verbally attacked more than once.
  • There are about 35 percent of kids who have been threatened online.
  • About 58 percent of kids and teens have reported malicious name calling, rumors, or slanderous comments have been made about them behind their back, to their face or directed at them online.
  • Other bullying suicide statistics show that about 77 percent of students have admitted to being the victim of one type of bullying or another.
  • The American Justice Department bullying suicide statistics show that one out of ever 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their adolescence. 
  • 46 percent of males and about 26 percent of females have admitted to being victims in physical fights as reported in one report of bullying suicide statistics by the Bureau of Justice School.

Out of all of these bullying numbers, more and more incidents are ending in cases of bullycide where the teen or child takes their life because they cannot handle the bullying anymore. This often occurs at school, after school and online and is in the form of verbal abuse, teasing, name calling, cyberbullying, physical acts of violence, theft and damaged belongings. All of these forms of bullying have been known to be a cause of bullying suicide among children and teens. That is why it is important for parents to see the signs of bullying early before it gets too late and results in a case of bullycide with their own teen.

How to prevent bullying suicide or bullycide:

It is best to to whatever it takes to prevent these numbers of bullying suicide statistics from continuing to rise. There are more and more incidents being reported in the media, and it is time to end the bullying trend before it claims more lives. If your child or teen is being bullied they may exhibit symptoms of withdrawal, depression and anxiety. If they have missing or damaged items, physical bruises and other outward signs of abuse, these are apparent signs of bullying. Other signs of bullying include:

  • Has change in eating habits
  • Makes excuses not to go to school
  • Has fewer friends
  • Feels helpless
  • Talks about suicide
  • Acts out of character
  • Avoids certain places or playing outside alone
  • Feels like they are not good enough
  • Has trouble sleeping
  • Blames themselves for their problems 


If your child is showing any of these signs, communicate with them. Talk to them about what is happening with them. Make sure they know and understand they can always come to you for help. If the incidents are happening while at school or on the school property, talk to a school administrator or the teacher to get additional help in keeping your child safe. Remember there are different types of bullies from males, females and even adults or authority figures. Be sure to write down every single incident and don’t be afraid to file criminal charges against the offender if the school fails to help resolve the bullying problem. Encourage your child to develop deep and lasting friendships with others. Being a loner or shying away from friends can make your child a target for bullying attacks. Do everything you can to help your child’s self esteem. If they are able to increase their confidence, they are less likely to fall victim of bullying. All of these ways are helpful in working to prevent bullying suicide statistics from climbing. Prevention is the best way to prevent suicide or bullycide. 


Teen Suicide Statistics

Some eye opening information on teen suicide statistics, suicide prevention, and warning signs to help avoid teenage and adolescent suicide attempts. Teen suicide statistics can help you understand more about teen depression and how it affects teenage suicides.

Teen suicide is a major cause of death among teens, though many do not recognize suicide as a serious threat to a teenager’s well being.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents and teenagers. According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), about 8 out of every 100,000 teenagers committed suicide in 2000. For every teen suicide death, experts estimate there are 10 other teen suicide attempts.

In a survey of high school students, the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center found that almost 1 in 5 teens had thought about suicide, about 1 in 6 teens had made plans for suicide, and more than 1 in 12 teens had attempted suicide in the last year. As many as 8 out of 10 teens who commit suicide try to ask for help in some way before committing suicide, such as by seeing a doctor shortly before the suicide attempt.

Teen girls and boys are both at risk for suicide. Teen girls are more likely to attempt suicide, but teenage boys are four to five times more likely to die by suicide. Over half of teen suicide deaths are inflicted by guns.

Several factors increase the risk that a teenager will attempt suicide:

  • Depression or feelings of loneliness or helplessness
  • Alcohol or drug addiction
  • A family history of abuse, suicide, or violence
  • Previous suicide attempts; almost half of teens who commit suicide had attempted suicide previously.
  • A recent loss such as a death, break-up, or parents’ divorce Illness or disability
  • Stress over school, relationships, performance expectations, etc.
  • Fear of ridicule for getting help for problems
  • Being bullied or being a bully
  • Exposure to other teens committing suicide, such as at school or in the media
  • Access to firearms or other lethal objects
  • A belief that suicide is noble

90 percent of people who attempt or commit suicide suffer from a mental illness, such as:

  • Depression, which causes a teen to feel sad, lonely, withdrawn, and unable to accomplish simple tasks.
  • Bipolar disorder, where a teen alternates between periods of depression and mania, characterized by exuberance, insomnia, irritability, and inability to concentrate.
  • Schizophrenia, a complicated condition where a teen has hallucinations or distorted perceptions of reality.
  • Alcoholism or drug addiction, especially when combined with another mental health disorder; 20 to 50 percent of suicide attempts are related to drug or alcohol use.


If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, call 911 or take the person to the emergency room immediately.

Call a suicide prevention hotline, such as 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433), or check your local phone book for suicide prevention hotlines or mental health centers to help someone who is thinking about suicide.

Teen Suicide Statistics Sources:

  • National Institute of Mental Health, “In Harm’s Way: Suicide in America” [online]
  • National Institute of Mental Health, “What to do When a Friend is Depressed” [online]
  • National Institute of Mental Health, “Schizophrenia” [online]
  • Center for Disease Control, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, “Suicide: Fact Sheet” [online]
  •, “Suicide” National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center [online]
  • Suicide Awareness Voices of Education [online] National Mental Health Association, “Fact Sheet: Suicide” [online]
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Depression, Particularly In Combination with Substance Abuse, Significant Risk Factor for Suicide” [online]